Spidersilk Gloves
Special Attributes
Unknown, please edit!
Unknown, please edit!
Like the spliced fibers that make up a piece of ship's rope, each strand of silk is made up of many long threads of blackish-silk held together by a complex network of weaved bonds. When an insect hits a spider web, the energy of the impact heats up the silk in each strand. Hence breaking and reforming silk's bonds demands very little energy, allowing spider silk to flex and stretch up to ten times its original length without breaking. As the impact force lessens, the silk fibers quickly reform into thier original compact shape, giving these gloves their renowned resilience. It has a magical glow about it. This armor offers resistances against: edged, blunt, ice, energy, poison It looks light.
Requirements, etc
You must be level 10 to wear this.
This item loads in non-binding form.
This item does not break!
Bladesinger Evaluation
For help, see Damage Types.
Edged | Legendary |
Blunt | Excellent |
Fire | Good |
Ice | Substandard |
Acid | Substandard |
Electricity | Substandard |
Mind | Substandard |
Energy | Below Average |
Poison | God-Wrought |
Radiation | Substandard |
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