Sii Ranks

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There are a lot of different "Ranks" in the guild, most of which have some order to them. Here is a quick summary of the most commonly used ranks and some corresponding numerical values.

 <<<<<<<<<<  LISTS  >>>>>>>>>>

 Some helpful lists from the wiki.

 #   GXP  levels      Control levels          DNA Status

 0     0  unskilled   18 Complete             1 Unknown
 1   6.3  Beginner    17 Indefatigable        2 Quack
 2  12.5  Initiate    16 Unshakable           3 Flunky
 3  18.8  Novice      15 Vigorous             4 Dabbler
 4  25.0  Student     14 Tenacious            5 Rookie
 5  31.3  Amateur     13 Steadfast            6 Novice
 6  37.5  Apprentice  12 Resolute             7 Student
 7  43.8  Learned     11 Substantial          8 Intern
 8  50.0  Adept       10 Stable               9 Apprentice
 9  56.3  Proficient   9 Mediocre            10 Technician
10  62.5  Scholar      8 Wavering            11 Intellectual
11  68.8  Specialist   7 Deficient           12 Scientist
12  75.0  Expert       6 Tenuous             13 Tutor
13  81.3  Authority    5 Drained             14 Professional
14  87.5  Master       4 Weak                15 Medic
15  93.8  Guru         3 Paltry              16 Specialist
16  100   Completed    2 Feeble              17 Doctor
 ?  Quack              1 Exh'ed -BROOD DEAD  18 Authority
                       0 None  -YOU'RE DEAD  19 Disciple
                                             20 Professor

  Skill GXP    Broodlings    DNA Carried

 1 A little    1 sickly      1 A few
 2 Some        2 puny        2 A bunch
 3 A bundle    3 small       3 Quite a few
 4 A chunk     4 medium      4 A lot
 5 A stack     5 stocky      5 An awful lot
 6 A heap      6 large       6 Loads
 7 Much        7 massive     7 Tons
 8 Lots                      8 A myriad
 9 Plenty                    9 Wow! Millions
10 A bevy
11 A horde
12 A plentitude
13 Countless

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