Crafted Chaostone Set

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Minimum Name Trivial Bars Jewels Fragments
98 Chaostone Boots 102 2 chaostone bar 1 Chaostone Shards

1 Phasemetal Shards

1 Voidstone Shards

1 standard gem
91 Chaostone Breastplate 95 3 chaostone bar 1 Cancer's Tears

1 Ruby Dust

1 Heart of Compassion

1 major gem

1 minor gem

95 Chaostone Codpiece 99 2 chaostone bar 1 Sapphire Dust 1 Heart of Willy

1 standard gem

97 Chaostone Gloves 101 2 chaostone bar 1 Chaostone Shards

1 Phasemetal Shards

1 Voidstone Shards

1 standard gem
92 Chaostone Greaves 96 2 chaostone bar 1 Ruby

1 Sapphire Dust

1 Heart of Damnation

1 major gem

96 Chaostone Helmet 100 2 chaostone bar 1 Emerald Dust

1 Phasemetal Shards

1 standard gem
90 Chaostone Platemail 94 5 chaostone bar 2 Cancer's Tears

2 Ruby

1 Heart of Knowledge

2 major gem

93 Chaostone Shield 97 4 chaostone bar 1 Ruby

1 Star of Earth

1 major gem


Minimum Name Trivial Bars Jewels Fragments
92 1-Handed Chaostone Axe 96 3 chaostone bar 3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

1 Ruby Dust

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Destruction

2 major gem

94 1-Handed Chaostone Dagger 98 3 chaostone bar 1 Cancer's Tears

3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Compassion

2 major gem

88 1-Handed Chaostone Lance 92 3 chaostone bar 3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

1 Sapphire Dust

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Damnation

2 major gem

90 1-Handed Chaostone Mace 94 3 chaostone bar 3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

1 Ruby

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Willy

2 major gem

86 1-Handed Chaostone Spear 90 3 chaostone bar 3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

2 Ruby

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Blasting

2 major gem

95 1-Handed Chaostone Sword 99 3 chaostone bar 2 Cancer's Tears

3 Nethernium Shards

3 Phasemetal Shards

3 Voidstone Shards

1 Heart of Knowledge

2 major gem

93 2-Handed Chaostone Axe 97 5 chaostone bar 6 Nethernium Shards

6 Phasemetal Shards

2 Ruby

6 Voidstone Shards

2 Heart of Destruction

3 major gem

89 2-Handed Chaostone Lance 93 5 chaostone bar 6 Nethernium Shards

6 Phasemetal Shards

2 Sapphire

6 Voidstone Shards

2 Heart of Damnation

3 major gem

91 2-Handed Chaostone Mace 95 5 chaostone bar 6 Nethernium Shards

6 Phasemetal Shards

2 Ruby

6 Voidstone Shards

2 Heart of Willy

3 major gem

87 2-Handed Chaostone Spear 91 5 chaostone bar 6 Nethernium Shards

6 Phasemetal Shards

4 Ruby

6 Voidstone Shards

2 Heart of Blasting

3 major gem

96 2-Handed Chaostone Sword 100 5 chaostone bar 4 Cancer's Tears

6 Nethernium Shards

6 Phasemetal Shards

6 Voidstone Shards

2 Heart of Knowledge

3 major gem