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Latest revision as of 11:16, 19 January 2007

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Pure Necromancy is a blending of many types of powers... deadly damage combined with powerful healing. These magics allow a Pure Necromancer to hit hard and fast, and heal quickly. "Sleep," a strong power of persuasion, forces an enemy to stop attacking, while "shackle" holds them fast. "Psibleed" drains magical energy from an enemy, aiding an attacking necromancer. "Corrode" is a powerfully destructive spell that calls forth the darkness of the grave upon your target. These are just a few of the phenomenal powers at hand.

Deception is an effective defense strategy and necromancers have a few deceiving powers, such as "enshroud" which allows them to call forth the shifting shadows of the netherworld to mask their appearence. "Illusion" and "shadow" can also make things appear (or disappear) as things they are not. Things are not always as they seem.