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Bladesingers are a small cadre of human warriors who have been chosen to learn the ways of Elven magic and combat to stem the dark tide of the Mage driven Orc hoards. High elven battle mages and swordmasters have returned from their seclusion within the ancient Elfhaims to recruit help against the darkness threatening to overrun their ancestral homes. We are their students, the seeds of their army.

Bladesingers are trained in the fusion of Elven magics with the art of close combat.

Runes are the core of the Bladesinger's power. Without runes, we are mere mortal flesh and bone against the horrors of the world. Simply put, runes are symbols that hold power. Many have been handed down to us. When inscribed upon your weapon or armour, they add power to it. For example, should you inscribe the rune of Thought upon your armour, it will help to shield your thoughts from attack. If you inscribe Health upon your cloak, your body will constantly heal.

The Bladesinger guild is located in western Pinnacle.

                    ::THE BLADESINGER EXPERINCE::
          ::Glevels 1~20::
     You grab some gear (guild gear or get gear with an alt or from the box) 
and put runes on it. Normally you'll use:
health:   HP regen
revalrie: GP1 regen
power:    Makes health & revalrie stronger
battle:   Edged protection
stone:    Blunt protection
On most of your gear (helmet~other) and:

health:   HP regen
revalrie: GP1 regen
power:    Makes health & revalrie stronger
starfire: Fire dmg
thought:  Mind dmg
eternity: Durability
on your weapon.

On unknowns (phylactery of the mists, earmuffs ect) you put:
health:   HP regen
revalrie: GP1 regen
power:    Makes health & revalrie stronger
eternity: Durability

     You won't get any benefit from protection runes on unknowns. You can only wear
8 unknowns, this is a special limitation imposed on your character by being in 
Bladesingers in the same way as some guilds can't wear mains or shields ect.

     Once geared up you go out and fight stuff. Small stuff. Your healing is 
only the HP regen from health runes so you can't take much dmg, your tanking 
is all about damage reduction/AC. It doesn't matter how big the mobs are for 
gxp purpsoes, every rnd you gain the same gxp as every other rnd. It's all 
from using your guild powers in combat (your attack mode and guild dodge once 
you get it).
     If you run out of GP1 (Ne'kra) or you get wimpied by something, use the 
command "revalrie" (not to be confused with the rune of the same name) to go into a 
trance and regen faster.

          ::Glevels 20~30::
     Everything's the same except that once you get the guild heal (rejuvenate,
available at glevel 20) you'll drop health runes and add:
spirit:        SP regen
rejuvenation: GP2 regen
to everything.
     The guild heal costs SP and GP2 to heal your HP, hence the regen runes for
SP and GP2. It'll also amount to about half of your gxp gain (so once you get it,
your gxp rate roughly doubles compared to before, so it's smart to race to rejuv asap).
You can set rejuvenate up as an automatic action via "caction" so every round in 
combat you'll attempt it.
     You can now fight somewhat bigger mobs, as you can afford to take a bit of 
damage and in fact you want to take some damage on as many rounds as possible so that
you can always be casting the heal and getting gxp for doing so. It's all about
finding mobs that can hit you dependably but not so hard that you have to bounce.
     At this point you may start fighting stuff that deals non e/b damage types. 
You'll notice that whatever you do, those mobs hit harder than other mobs. That's 
because we have a built-in weakness to the other 8 damage types that you can never 
truly do anything about. The bigger the mob, the more its damage type matters.

          ::Glevels 30~65::
     Everything's much the same except that at glevel 30 you can get "cloak of 
shadows" which is another guild defense power to toggle on. It'll cost you some GP1 
so you may need more revalrie runes.
     At 65, stuff changes a little, but almost nobody ever gets there so there's not 
much point in talking about it. Out of all the people who join pretty much everyone 
dries up, peters out or otherwise stalls in the glevel 20 or 30 range. If you like 
the guild well enough to reach 65, you won't like it less at 65, probably a bit more.

          ::Glevels 65~2000::
     Each glevel gives you better damage resistance and damage (via frenzy).

                    ::THE TRAINING PATH::
     You can train your skills however you want to but because powers are unlocked 
by meeting rank (glevel), lodge and skill requirements, there's a "best way" in terms
of getting the stuff that helps the most, the quickest.
     I will now break down that path step by step. Again, do whatever you want, I'm
not your daddy (I think) but this path will get you bigger, faster. Yeah, I know, not
the first time you've been promised that online.

     Glevel 1: 
The only skills worth training are Combat Strategies and Freeform. 
Training those will raise your gxp rate a little and you'll do a little more damage. 
What you really want most is glevel 5.

     Glevel 5: 
Keep training Combat Abilities and Acrobatics till you get dodge (power, not skill).
Toggle dodge on and put it in .login alias.
Moving on.

     Glevel 15: 
"joinlodge akhvelahr" then "dedicate" your weapon.
Pick something worthwhile, you'll be using it for many combat days.
Plus there's no point mastering something lame anyway.
With that out of the way, on to glevel 20.

     Glevel 20:
Leavelodge and joinlodge akhfaer.
Train Spirit Magic till Faerie Magic comes back
Train Faerie Magic and High Magic till you get rejuvenate.
Next stop, glevel 30.

     Glevel 30:
Train High Magic, Shadow Magic and Combat Casting till you get Cloak of Shadows.
This is where a lot of people stop to do their rune skills, since the next gxp rate
gain isn't until 65, and it's not a major one anyway.
At this point there aren't any "mistakes" you can make which will slow your advancement
down, as you've got the holy gxp trinity (dodge, shadows, rejuv).

Final tip: Keep training Spirit Magic, it's good for your health.