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Each type can come in Fragments, Essences, and Hearts

Type Fragment Minimum Fragment Trivial Essence Minimum Essence Trivial Heart Minimum Heart Trivial
Ascension 21 31 52 62 85 95
Blasting 23 33 54 64 87 97
Compassion 30 40 61 71 94 104
Damnation 24 34 55 65 88 98
Destruction 28 38 59 69 92 102
Elemental Heart
Knowledge 32 42 63 73 96 106
Light 1 12 33 43 66 76
Might 9 19 40 50 73 83
Rage 13 23 44 54 77 87
Rejuvenation 12 22 43 53 76 86
Shadow 6 16 37 47 70 80
Soul 15 25 46 56 79 89
The Unseen 18 28 49 59 82 92
Water 5 15 36 46 69 79
Willy 27 37 58 68 91 101

With 5 fragments, you can 'assemble fragment of <type>' to make an essence. With 5 essences, you can 'assemble essence of <type>' to make a heart.

Alternatively, you can 'shatter heart of <type>' to make 5 essences. You can also 'shatter essence of <type>' to make 5 fragments.

Mixing When Assembling

When combining fragments or essences, the average (always rounded down) of their qualities results in an essence or heart of that grade. It does not appear after some preliminary testing that there's any weighting to the scale.

Grade Value
Worthless 1
Crude 2
Poor 3
Average 4
Good 5
Superior 6
Legendary 7

As an example, assembling 4 good fragments and a worthless fragment results in an average essence.

4*5 + 1*1 = 21.

21 / 5 = 4 rounded down.

Since good and average gems have the same effect when gemchanted or smithed, this may come in handy.