Difference between revisions of "Old Fogey"

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Revision as of 23:20, 30 April 2017

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  Medal          : Old Fogey, 15 points
  Identification : Fogey5
  Origin         : anywhere
  Realm          : Mud
  Area Creator   : Mud
  Added By       : Rastafan
  History        : 

   You are now the embittered old guy that everyone talks about
   but few people talk to.  You only recognize about a dozen
   other players on the who list, and most of them you've spurned
   in some way.  But, you still enjoy coming here, if only to
   complain about how the max level used to be 29, and 17k XP was
   the most you could get from killing a monster.  But we're
   still glad to have you after 10 years.
