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Latest revision as of 23:52, 10 November 2009

As per the usual, this'll be my cooking notes repository for the time being. Also as per the usual, everything here is pulled out of thin air and probably doesn't have any relation to how things actually work.

Each plant has an initial flavor profile that gets transmuted based upon the insertion time. The resulting flavor profiles of all the plants in the pot are then combined and create the flavor of the dish, the effects of the plants are also combined to create the effects of the dish, and the flavor of the dish determines the efficacy of the effects as well as the duration.

The flavor-efficacy-effects relationship is not a straightforward "We got a WOW! so lets have all effects at 100%" deal, each effect fluctuates separately, presumably tied to a particular flavor or two.

The flavor messages that you receive is a comparison of 2 randomly selected flavors, so you can receive different flavor messages for the same exact food.


Thus far the following effects have been seen:

fire, ice, and acid attacks ranging from neglible damage amount to 200/attack.
hp and sp regen, both overmax and regular
hp and sp healing, both overmax and regular as an instantaneous effect.
bonuses to all stats.

Mildly useful recipes

baby eggplant 15, mottled pepper 10: +4 con, +4 wis, 2 ohp/rnd(i think)
russet potato 15, mango 15:          +6 dex, 1 hp/rnd, 2.5 sp/rnd, acid
mango 10, gooseberry 10:             1 ohp/rnd, 1.25ish sp/rnd, 100+ fire, 100+ acid, <10 ice
asparagus 1, russet potato 1:        +5 wis, +3 dex, 1 hp/rnd, 2 sp/rnd
asparagus 30, gooseberry 30:         200 dmg ice special
lentil 5, salmonberry 15, 15:        +9 str, +9 con, +1 dex, 60/110 heal 

Ingredient Effect Table

                        MinTriv Effects         Tastes
Beefsteak Tomato        1  3 
Broccoli                1  3
Green Pepper            1  3    con/hp
McIntosh Apple          1  3
White Potato            1  3 
Yellow Bean             1  3
Blueberry               2  5    con/sp   
Cauliflower             2  5
Green Apple             2  5    dex/sp
Green Bean              2  5    cha/hp
Raspberry               2  5
Red Pepper              2  5
Red Potato              2  5
Roma Tomato             2  5
Valencia Orange         2  5 
Zucchini                2  5 
Nantes Carrot           3  6    str   
Nantes Orange           3  6    fire
Orange Pepper           3  6 
Peach                   3  6 
Tangerine               3  6    int   
Cucumber                4  7
Snap Pea                4  7
Blackberry              5  8
Canteloupe              5  8    hp/sp
Navel Orange            5  8
New Potato              5  8 
Blue Potato             6  11   hp/sp/cha
Bosc Pear               6  11   fire
Eggplant                6  11   int/hp/sp
Jalapeno Pepper         6  11   int/wis/sp
Avocado                 7  12   con
Red Delcious Apple      7  12   ice
Yellow Pepper           7  12   wis
Alfalfa Sprout          8  13   dex
Red Plum                8  13
Boysenberry             9  13
Baby Eggplant           10 14   con/hp
English Cucumber        11 15   str
White Plum              11 15
Yukon Gold Potato       11 15
Mottled Pepper          12 16   wis/sp
Sugar Pea               13 17
Bartlett Pear           14 18   fire/sp?
Brussel Sprout          14 18   dex
Honeydew Melon          15 20
Mango                   15 20   acid/sp
Wax Bean                15 20
Russet Potato           16 21   dex/sp
Gooseberry              17 22   fire/ice/hp
Green Grape             17 22
Spaghetti Squash        18 23
Asparagus               19 24   wis/sp
Cherry Pepper           19 24
Strawberry              19 24
Lychee                  20 25   cha
Peanut                  21 26
Smurf Lettuce           21 26
Endive                  22 27
Habanero Pepper         22 27
Lentil                  22 27
Kiwi                    25 30
Pomegranate             25 30
Persimmon               28 33
Salmonberry             28 33
Ginger                  30 35
Honey Sugar Apple       32 37
Tomatillo               34 39
Bamboo Shoot            35 40
Pink Grape              35 40
Date                    37 42
Pawpaw                  37 42
Yellow Carrot           38 43
Guava                   39 44
Quince                  40 45