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Revision as of 21:04, 1 July 2017

--------------------------------- Offense ---------------------------------

                               Advanced Combat
   |                   |                   |                        |
Ionbeam II          Synergy               DDB                    Synthorg
   |                                       |                        |
Ionlink                      -----------------------------      Synthorg II
   |                         |                           |
Ionfocus              Enhanced Capacity                DDB II
                             |                           |
   -----------------------------------------------     DDB III
   |          |         |          |             |
 Toxin    Oxidation    DDB      Thermal      Subkelvin
Capacity   Capacity   Mastery   Capacity     Capacity
   |          |         |          |             |
Valence    Psionic   Adaptive    Sonic        Voltage
Capacity   Capacity    DDB       Capacity     Capacity

--------------------------------- Defense ---------------------------------

                               Defense Systems
    |                                |          
Ferrous DNA                       Efield
      |                                        |
  Efield II                                Tacshield
      |                                        |
  Efield III       --------------------------------------------------
      |            |             |             |          |         |
Efield Bubble    Bladed      Disruptive    Enhanced      Life    Ablative
                Shielding    Shielding     Shielding    Support  Tacshield
                                               |                    | 
      ---------------------------------------------------        Persistent
      |            |           |           |            |        Tacshield
   Toxin       Oxidation    Thermal    Tacshield   Subkelvin
  Shielding    Shielding   Shielding    Mastery    Shielding
      |            |           |           |            |
   Psionic       Sonic      Valence     Adaptive     Voltage
  Shielding    Shielding   Shielding    Shielding   Shielding

--------------------------------- Medical ---------------------------------

   |                  |              |           |               |
Adrenaline       Respirocytes      Biochem   Neuronocytes     Powercore
  Rush                            Enhancement
   |                  |              |           |
Adrenaline        Meditation         |         Medkit
 Surge              Field          Biochem       | 
                                   Mastery     Medkit II
   |                  |              |       |            |              |
Infirmary          Medlink           |    Cellular    Neurologics    Metabolic
  Staff                           Medical  Regen                     Conversion

--------------------------------- Science ---------------------------------

     |               |               |           |            |         |
   Slot             Slot         Scientific   Logistics    Timeslide  Workout
Reclaimation        Purge         Metrics                              Room
     |               |               |         |           |         |
  Timescan      Concentration        |     Advanced     Tactics    Clone
                                     |    Scientifics                |
                                     |                          Clone Combat
                                     |                               |
                                     |                          Clone Armor
                                 Scientific                          |
                                  Mastery                       Clone Healing
    |                 |              |           |            |
Experiment         Timeshift     Scientific   Tactical     Research
  Staff               |           Command    Enhancement      |
                   Timeshift II                           Research II
                                                          Research III

-------------------------------- Engineering --------------------------------

   |               |                 |           |            |          |
Autorepair     Autorepair         Enhanced   Rec-chamber    Remote    Tripwire
  Gen             Tech           Engineering              CPC Conduit
   |            |          |         |           |          |            |
 Grav         Hologen   Combat       |       Microforge  Powerfeed   Ship-pilot
Inducer                Bodyslide Engineering                |
                                   Mastery               Powercell
    |           |           |        |       |            |              |
Engineering   Weapon      Armour     |   Engineering Engineering     Stabilize
  Staff     Enhancement Enhancement  |      Gen          Tech