Difference between revisions of "Coin Piles Boon"

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Latest revision as of 18:11, 2 May 2007

The granting wizard creates a variable number of coin piles in various rooms around the mud. (Chosen via randomizer or handpicked by the wizard?) Each pile is thought to be 100K from limited testing. The number of piles is (probably) based upon the level of the wizard.

This is the message when the boon is granted:

<wizard> reaches WAY DEEP into his pockets and pulls out a HUGE
STINKIN' MOUNTAIN of coins!  He divides the mountain into <variable number> smaller
piles and drops them in strategic places around the realms.

This is the message when someone locates a coin pile:

<player> has found one of <wizard>'s gargantuan piles of cash.