Pool of Goodness

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Coded by Eliot.

Directions and Links

From the Chaos Portal: chaos, 3e 2s 2e n 3e 4n ne n nw 2sw


This is a hidden sub-area inside of the Mystic Forest in chaos.

       Okay the time has come when a player wishes to be                  
       atoned from Dark to Light. A time consuming event.                
       A priest may lessen the strain on their time and                   
       resources with a wee bit of travel.                                
       How, you may ask? Simply escort said player to                     
       Chaos, where you will find the 'Pool of Goodness'.                 
       Now be forwarned this is an aid and will not do                    
       the chore for you. By swimming in the pool the                     
       player will slowly start to move toward the light!                 
       A side effect of swimming in the pool, is the                      
       player will spout off emotes for a period of two                  
       (2) hours, so please explain this to them.

I believe this process can moves you directly to 'Righteous' alignment.

Mobs and Loot

Beautiful deer

Armors which Link to this Area


Weapons which Link to this Area

Mobs which Link to this Area

Additional Information

Please note that the quoted description text was originally written by Wodam, for the priest help files.